DAY 293

DAY 293
TREE 125 & 126

One more day off from work today to regain my strength.  I took the morning slow and easy and I’m really starting to feel normal again.  After a good part of the day had gone by I drove the Mount.  I stopped in at the clay studio just in time to say goodbye to Norm as he was leaving.  Then I walked across the field by the lake to the edge of the wood.  I remember choosing these trees for their relatively low possible height, yet a nice transfer set up.  Plus, last time it was a rainy day.  At least today there is only some slight snow flurries.  I stepped up onto tree #125’s crotch where the two main leaders split.  Fro there I grabbed the limb from tree #126 that grows right into #125.  I hung and lifted my feet and hooked my heels.  Then I quickly climbed backwards toward the second trunk.  I really felt like an animal.  I righted myself and climbed to my feet.  Then I worked efficiently up each step being sure to not put all my weight on the dead limbs of which there are quite a few.  The whole top of this tree ends in a pointy, decaying, black shard of a limb. 

As I went up I used a branch from a thirst tree nearby as a stepping stone.  Though I touched it, I’m not really counting it as three trees today.  I don’t think that step was entirely necessary.  Anyway… I got up the my white ribbon which is higher than I remembered. 

What I do remember from the first time was that I did climb higher than I first thought I could.  But I didn’t climb higher on this go ’round.  I took pictures of the now covered lake

and surroundings. 

It was cold but I felt warm, still and calm up in the tree.  I put my camera way and put the ribbon in my pocket. 

I stood there and looked around the bare woods for creatures,

but they were all hidden to me.  Then I began to climb and slide down the tree.  I kept feeling more and more like a while tree animal.  I felt so comfortable and moved so easily in this tree it felt natural.  My thoughts could wander as my body did what came natural.  I got down to that low limb and crawled backward hanging upside down back to the first tree.  I let my legs drop and my feet went right to the branch.  I jumped off the tree to the grass and once again became human.  Back to my life after this wonderful escape. 

1-27-09:  The image just above is of trees 16, 17, and 18 from Part 1 of the project.  Even over the course of the last year my blog has changed in many ways.  My entries have definitely got a lot longer and not so embarrassingly bad.  And I hope more enjoyable.  Many more images too.

Last Wednesday, January 21st, Norm and I worked a half day in New Castle on the porch, then had to drive back into Louisville so I could work my shift at Zephyr Gallery.  I left at 6pm, went home, at some food and went out to UofL for parkour.  That was good but short lived since I wanted to get back for the premiere of Lost.  Drew got home and joined me for the 2 hour event.  Then, once it finished and left the typical cliffhanger, I headed out to climb a tree.  It was cold, I was tired, and I wanted an easy tree close by.  I walked down Quincy which is the alley road behind my house.  When I got to Adams I took a left towards the interstate. 

I chose to climb a small sycamore by the back fence of the trucking lot. 

It was well lit from the lot’s bright lamps. 

I climbed into the tree limbs and kept a watchful eye out for anyone who might see me.  I climbed up to where a main branch was topped and other branches continued to grow out.  I did spot a cat amid the parked trucking containers.  It spotted me and sat to watch.  I got to the top of the branch I was on and took out my camera.  I tried to get a shot of the cat but it was so hard with all the limbs in the way.  I got the typical shots out,



and around. 

Then I wanted to get home so I could just get to sleep.  I scurried down the branches to the ground and dropped.  I backed up from the tree to get a shot of the whole tree. 

I had to lay down on the sidewalk to get a good angle and prevent blurriness.  As I lied there I got a wave of sleepiness.  I struggled to get up and walk home.  I immediately got ready for bed as I knew I would be getting up early the next day to go back to New Castle with Norman. 

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